07 Effective use of business data Getting value out of the data you capture often means using it to guide strategic decisions like how to grow the business or whether to collaborate with competitors. And executives admit it’s a real challenge in their organizations. More than challenges with capturing data, they cite behavioral and skills barriers, such as understanding which data to use and how it benefits their role, nearly as much as issues with data quality or 4 accuracy. Top-performing companies see more potential in making use of their data than lower-performing ones. They see the most promise in third-party data (78%), cloud application data (70%), social media data (69%), and location-aware data (64%). 08 Proactive cybersecurity Keeping pace with security and privacy issues is another ongoing challenge, and one that all companies contend with in their ecosystems. As they add new technologies, customers, partners, devices, and data, there are ever more interdependencies and risks to address. That’s the baseline today. What’s different when it comes to Digital IQ is the level of proactivity. Businesses need to consistently think about how their cybersecurity strategies can help build brand, competitive advantage, and shareholder value. Top-performing companies are more likely to proactively evaluate and plan for security and privacy in digital enterprise projects. They also feel more prepared to manage these risks (80%), compared with lower performers (64%). One way leading companies do this is by routinely including risk managers and security leaders in conversations about new product and service development, especially those taking advantage of emerging technologies like the Internet of Things. ® 2015 Global Digital IQ Survey 19

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